Simple as that

Save the time you spend on

updating plugin repositories...

Life is too short to spend on maintenance

FusePress saves developers and companies tens or hundreds of development hours each month by streamlining the process of searching, purchasing, downloading, installing, maintaining and troubleshooting WordPress projects.

How much is WordPress maintenance costing YOU?

Have all private plugins and themes in the palm of your hands

Enable optional automatic and safe updates 

Easily control your plugin and theme versions

Track your project’s history

Who This is For


Manage your client websites


- Manage client websites at scale

- Assign projects to organizations

- Assign sub-users and permissions


- Identity management

- Programmatic security policies

Please Follow the Next Steps

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

Step 1.

Apply for an account

Step 2.

Configure your first project

Step 3.

Deploy using Composer

We care about your time

We know that reliably maintaining complex WordPress projects is difficult:

  • Automatic updates can break your site
  • Private plugins and themes or themes all live in different places
  • Vendor support is inconsistent or difficult to monitor
  • Repositories are time-intensive to keep up-to-date

Run your website smoothly by:

Accessing all plugins directly from FusePress

Controlling all installed versions of WordPress, plugins and themes from a simple-to-use single interface

Getting rid of tens or hundreds of private repositories

Our story

40% of all websites run on WordPress, but there is no single marketplace for plugins and themes and especially, little developer support for enterprise applications.

We noticed this problem while providing clients with enterprise-grade infrastructure and quickly found out that organizations:
have no tool to easily search for, filter, purchase and manage extensions for WordPress projects;
no access to a central support portal;
No way to easily determine compatibility before deploying updates;

This all results in lots of development time spent on maintenance rather than features.

We found other developers running into the same issue, but no product that businesses can use to streamline their WordPress extension management.

We solved this problem by building FusePress, which allows you to purchase and add plugins into your projects in a few minutes, and where you can get unified vendor support, rather than wasting hours per week on maintenance and jumping from one vendor’s website to the next.